Deep sectoral experience in the diverse scope of biochar solutions.
The Peak Carbon team have been involved in the engineering design, financing and operation of biochar production projects at the micro, small and industrial scale since 2014.
Our unique experience across biochar production gives us specialist insights into how to optimise the properties of biochar produced - through factors such as feedstock, technology process and post-treatment - according to the required end-use specification, including agriculture, building materials and the food industry.
Each specific technology solution will be best suited to each geography and project, which range from very small-scale micro-projects, with low-cost and local impact, all the way up to industrial-scale rotary kiln reactors which can produce significant energy streams as a co-product to biochar. In all cases, projects have the prerequisite of rigorous sustainability criteria for the underlying biomass feedstock.
Case Study
Making Stuttgart ‘Spongy’
Using the waste biomass, cut while maintaining Stuttgart's public spaces, batch retorts create 160kg of biochar per day that is put back into conserving soil health across the city. The City is now requesting a scale-up to continuous production technology.
The biochar also helps the city adapt to the potential impacts of climate change - like a sponge, it is more resilient to retaining water in drier/hotter conditions and is able to absorb more water in extreme wet weather and flood conditions.
Peak Carbon provide ongoing technical and engineering support to the programme from biomass handling, retort design and carbon credit generation.