Neil Butler
Engineering Operation
Neil brings more than 30 years of practical experience in designing, engineering, building and operating process plants using unconventional gases and biomass. He is entirely focused on delivering practical solutions to the production of sustainable energy, leading and managing the development of more than $300m of complex clean energy system implementations all over the world for Clients such as Arcelor Mittal, BP, US EPA and Gazprom, among others. In his most recent roles as Director, of Process and Development for Clean Electricity Generation B.V. and Managing Director of both CEG Technology UK Ltd and of Bio2Carbon Ltd. These businesses have experience in the design, engineering, build and operation of torrified/pyrolysed biomass biochar/bio coal manufacturing plants. Neil is a Chartered Engineer experienced in project management of engineering, technology design and building of commercial-scale plants either directly managing contractors or using third-party market-leading engineering and EPC(/M) partners such as Clarke Energy, Pöyry (AFRY) and Stork.